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Salted fish

Salted fish:

Salting is one of the most widespread ways of preserving fish with a help of common salt. The aim of salting is to keep the products in such a way that they gain a special taste, flavour and consistence. It also gives an opportunity to eat fish without additional culinary working up. At the same time fish preserves all the elements it possesses. We suggest salted mackerel in different packing and vacuum packages.

We also offer spicy salted herring. Spicy salting means that fish is worked up by salt, sugar and spices which give a piquant taste and aroma to our products. Thanks to such a way of salting a part of essential oil penetrates into a fish flesh together with salt solution and some other extra active substances that spices contain. All these things give a specific taste and flavour to our products.

The high level of production and refined gustatory qualities of our products will make you glad.

Always are available:

  • Salted sprat;
  • Salted herring;
  • Salted mackerel;
  • Salted humpback salmon;
  • Salted Atlantic salmon.
Fish Industrial Technologies Ltd

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